Tuesday, October 12, 2010

40 Days of Thankfulness: Day Three

I am thankful today for our CSA farm, Great Country Farms.  We've been members there since our son was young, since 1995.  We just love being out in the country, picking whatever is available seasonally, having fresh fruits and vegges delivered.  The Zurschmeides are the nicest people you could ever want to meet, too.

From their website:

The goal of Great Country Farms is to offer a way for everyone to experience farm life and enjoy the benefits of its bounty.

Great Country Farms is a 200 acre working farm situated at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains outside the village of Bluemont, VA. Great Country Farms offers produce as well as the farm experience to its customers. 

The Zurschmeide Family has been farming in Loudoun County for over 35 years and Great Country Farms was started by the second generation of  Zurschmeides in Loudoun in 1994. The farm started with a Community Supported Agriculture Program (CSA) which has grown over the years and delivers produce to homes as far as Alexandria and Arlington.   In 1996 and again in 2007, the Loudoun County Chamber of Commerce voted Great Country Farms, "Agribusiness of the Year" for its unique efforts to farm in a difficult climate through innovation, rather than selling out and growing houses.

We owe it all to Farmer Bob for instilling a love of farming in us. He still visits the farm regularly on weekends to continue that tradition for the new generation of farm visitors.  Be sure to look for him on your next visit. As our farm grows, we are thrilled to welcome the next generation of Zurschmeides in the fields, behind the counter, making Kettle Corn and as the Pumpkin Princess of course!

We are thrilled to still be a family farm in our growing county and welcome you to visit our farm, pick some produce, create some memories and begin your own farm adventure as part of our farm family.



Other pictures from one of my blogs.

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