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Please join us as Sharmyn McGraw presents "Lessons Learned in the Past Decade."
Almost 12 years ago (after Sharmyn's own pituitary surgery), she and her pituitary neurosurgeon, Dr. Daniel Kelly, founded a pituitary tumor patient support group. The group now mails out more than 800 invitations to attend their bi-monthly meetings. The sessions are videotaped and put on online to help educate other patients and their families all around the world.
Sharmyn's in-depth understanding of pituitary disorders comes not only from her own battle against Cushing's disease, but from personal relationships with hundreds of patient worldwide.
Highlights of Sharmyn's Media Appearances: The Discovery Health Channel: "Mystery Diagnosis" airing all around the world for the past 8 years. The Montel Williams Show, Medstar News Specials, CNN, Woman's Day Magazine, Woman & Home Magazine (London), MSNBC.com, Biology of Humans textbook (Pearson/Prentice Hall Publishing), presentations at the American Medical Association Media Conference (NYC) and the National Institute of Woman's Health (NIH).
"Lesson's Learned in the Past Decade."
• The Face - Who are we?
• The Disease - How far have we come and how far do we still need to go?
• Who Do We Become? - The barriers that kept patients searching for years for an answer to an insidious illness.
• How Do We Do Better? - The importance of persistence.
• Raising Public Awareness
Title: Lessons Learned in the Past Decade
Date: Monday, March 12, 2012
Time: 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM PDT
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