Sunday, February 7, 2010

Environmental Issues and Cushing’s

We’ve had quite a bit of discussion on this topic on the Cushing’s Help message boards lately.  A few samples:

We live in a part of Ontario known as "the Chemical Valley". We are surrounded by Dow Chemical, Imperial Oil, Dupont, British Petroleum, Shell Oil and about 12 other chemical plants.

There has been many people complaining about the high rate of cancer in our area and the government was forced to do a health study in our area but as of yet they haven't figured out how to do the testing. My guess is they don't want us to know how sick we really are.

We are part of the Goiter Belt which I think extends to PA. There are very few people here who do not have thyroid problems.

My 2 brothers and 2 sisters are suffering the same as I am and so are all our children! Both my parents died in their 50's from untreated hypothyroid disease. Probably had adrenal/pituitary damage too when I think about their symptoms.

I see hypothyroid people everywhere I look and have since started checking for the hump and cushing signs.

Holy endocrine system Batman, I think we are all suffering at the hands of the Big Oil Companies. My husband works for British Petroleum!!!!

I hate to even think about it. Growing up in Buffalo - erie county new york, which is nestled between lake ontario & lake erie, I don't believe the water is safe to drink. There are several epa areas of concern around lake ontario & lake erie. AOC's (areas of concern) are highly polluted areas. Specificlly erie canal & buffalo river are awful. I found out some years ago that a playground that I frequented as a child was a landfill for hazardous chemicals. Now I have a pituitary tumor, coincidence? Probably not

I live near Green Bay WI, which is part of Lake Michigan. I believe our drinking water comes from the Bay. The water is polluted from the papermills (PCPs). I also did play on a heavily fertilized and treated lawn from a chemical company for at least 5 years when I was little. I had a thyroid nodule removed, hypothyroidism, and I am still in the testing phase to see if I have a pituitary tumor. My father also has hopothyroid, and seems to have kind of a hump. He has had cancer as well.

I remember the nuclear accident in the 80's. It was really scary. I remember them saying something like it was worse than what they reported.

This is one of my future quests, I live in a town on 10,000 people and there are many cases of brain and pituitary tumors, I hear it all the time, I know of at least 3 definite pituitary cushing's cases in my small town. My future goal when I am feeling better is to put my story in the paper, have people call me if they or someone they know has a funtioning pituitary tumor, also brain tumors and brain cancer has some large numbers too. The state sent me a letter I had to fill out when I first found out about my tumor, it was manditory, if I did not fill it out they where going to have my doctor fill it out so I did. So somewhere someone is keeping track of brain tumors in my town. I want to find out the numbers, if it is as bad as I think it is I am going to calll CDC to find out why. I also want to start a support group. But I need to feel better first because this is going to be a big undertaking.

There are many more postings on this topic.

From Wennersten: There’s something in the water

Scientists now tell us there is something in our waters that we least expected.

That “something” is a class of chemicals called endocrine disruptors, and Dr. Vicki Blazer, a fisheries biologist at the United States Geological Survey, thinks the chemicals are responsible for the high concentrations of intersex fish found in the Potomac, and other rivers in the mid-Atlantic.

The chemicals also prove a threat to human health, but a bit of explanation, first.

Our body’s endocrine system is a complex network of glands and hormones that regulate growth, development, and the operation of various organs. The endocrine glands (for example the thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes, ovaries and pituitary glands) release hormones that act as chemical messengers and regulate many life functions.

Endocrine disrupters are chemicals that interfere with this system, by either acting like a hormone, or blocking a hormone’s function. They can be natural, but many are man-made such as PCBs, dioxin, DDT and other pesticides, pharmaceuticals and plasticizers. They are found in many products, including plastic bottles, metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics and pesticides. They enter the environment and are now commonly found in our streams, rivers, bays and oceans, where scientists are observing problems.

Then Great Lakes Area of Concerns shows a map of problem areas

Forty-three AOCs have been identified: 26 located entirely within the United States; 12 located wholly within Canada; and five that are shared by both countries. Two Canadian AOCs have been delisted and one U.S. AOC has been delisted leaving 30 AOCs remaining on the U.S. side of the border.

RAPs are being developed for each of these AOCs to address impairments to any one of 14 beneficial uses (e.g., restrictions on fish and wildlife consumption, dredging activities, or drinking water consumption) associated with these areas.  USEPA has assigned RAP Liaisons for AOCs.  Sediments have been identified as serious problems in many AOCs. AOC Principles and Guidelines have been finalized for formally delisting these areas as beneficial uses are restored.

What do YOU think?  Are you in one of these areas? Check out this post on the Cushing’s Help message boards  and be heard!

1 comment:

  1. MaryO,

    I sent you an email about asking you some questions about living with Cushing's and how it effects the lives of people with the disease. Im doing a powerpoint presentation on Cushing's in my Honors Anatomy & Physiology class, to educate my peers on the disorder. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions; on how it effects day to day living, I would present it as an interview with a Cushing's Survivor in my project. Also I would put your website in the powerpoint as a support and educational group. It would be a pleasure to interview you. Please contact me my email is

    Thank You,
    Megan Fleshman
